Monday, September 12, 2022

U.S. Supreme Court

     I really appreciate that part 1 of this video about the Supreme Court pointed out that the justices appointed are still just people. As a society I think we tend to forget, especially after particularly controversial rulings, that the SCOTUS justices are in fact, just humans appointed to uphold constitutional values as they interpret them. In the wake of a ruling such as that in Roe v. Wade, it's easy to view the Supreme Court as a group of high up people abusing their powering, when these videos and article clearly show that they're just doing what they feel is necessary to pass fair judgements. 

    With the Supreme Court being the most powerful judicial branch, meaning it's their job to make sure the government doesn't create any polices that violate our constitutional rights. While my thoughts on the Supreme Court didn't necessarily change after watching these videos, I think it's important to note that the court has remained in such a high place of power based on a foundation of trust they've built up over time with the American people.  

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